6PM Doors ✖ Hall ✖ $15 ✖ 16+
Broadside is a five piece Pop-Punk band originated in Richmond, Virginia. Signed to Victory Records on March 10th, Broadside were listed as one of the ‘100 Bands You Need To Know in 2015’ by Alternative Press. Broadside also appeared in another Alternative Press magazine listed under ‘AP Recommends.’
Vocalist, Oliver Baxxter also made a special appearance on Alternative Press’ Blog in 2015 under ‘How To Look Pop-Punk: Style Essentials with Broadside’s Ollie Baxxter.’
Oliver also has a clothing line called “Damaged Kids” that speaks up for anyone lost in their own regret, fear or anxiety… For the beaten, broken and bruised, for Damaged Kids. View clothing brand here.
Drummer, Andrew Dunton created custom coffee/tea mugs for the Alternative lifestyle named “Hard Luck Mugs.” View Hard Luck Mugs here.