Charlie Christenson’s Fireside Cuddle

Tuesday, December 15

7PM doors ✖ Hall ✖ $7 ✖ 18+



Fireside Cuddle Poster 2015 1.1

Charlie Christenson’s Fireside Cuddle

For the past eleven years, eleven months and fifteen days, singer-songwriter Charlie Christenson has spent his lonely winter nights writing haunting, hopeful yuletide carols in hopes that St. Nicholas will indeed soon be here. Join him and his merry, mirthy, frankincensy band for their 4th Annual Fireside Cuddle, hosted well within the warm walls of the Amsterdam Hall. Guests are bound to come a wassailing and songs of peace on earth and good will both new and old will be warbled. Scrooges and Grinches welcome – you don’t have to be down with the holidays to cuddle up by the fire. Oh, and one more thing: it’s all for the kids (bring a new toy to donate to Toys for Tots™ and get in free).
