Amsterdam presents… Ice Climber 3 Year Birthday and Album release extravaganza!

Friday, February 7

7:00PM Doors ✖ Hall ✖ $10 ADV / $15 DOOR ✖ 18+

Ice Climber celebrates 3 years as a band, and their first full length Album!

With guests Allergen, ¿WATCHES?, ihavenoloveformenlikeyou, Corina Lucas, & Joe Addict

For years, Minneapolis  Ice Climber has been known as a shape shifting, Acid Rock Collective. With their debut self titled album, Ice Climber shows everyone their versatility, and cements their corrosive and expansive descriptor, Acid Rock.

Allergen is an indie rock band from Minneapolis, MN fronted by Shannon Maroney. They mix crunchy riffs, powerful vocals, and emotional lyrics, and as described by local music blog Ear Coffee, “feels like a private conversation being broadcast to the world.”

¿WATCHES? No wave punk from Minneapolis

ihavenoloveformenlikeyou – Minneapolis space and noise rock